We'll concede the point that your company won't succeed or fail based on whether or not you buy your wholesale commercial linens from Factory Direct Linen, but here are seven great reasons you should anyway .
Save money We offer quality wholesale commercial linen products at discount prices. It's that simple. We'd love to tell you we accomplished this through sheer brilliance, but the truth is we just applied good old-fashioned common sense and hard work. We stripped out all the things that drive costs up like fancy office space, unnecessary bureaucracy, and commissioned sales reps (more on them in point 3 below).
Save time Whatever your passions and priorities, we're guessing they're not wholesale commercial linens. Lucky for you, it's all we think about. We've designed this website to save you time by making it easy to find the wholesale commercial linens you need, easy to create an account, and easy to checkout. And when you place an order, we save your order history inside your account for easy re-ordering. Now, you can get back to those employee reviews, playing with the kids, or writing the Great American novel in your basement.
No commissioned sales reps With all due respect to commissioned sales reps in other industries, we just don't believe they add value for consumers of commodity products like commercial linens. So, we don't have any. Instead, we've put our resources into customer service, manufacturing, and shipping. We're guessing your busy work week won't miss one less pushy sales call or phony conversation from a commissioned sales rep.
Great communication Here's a novel idea: We put our best, smartest people on the frontlines to work directly with customers. You'd think that's just common sense, wouldn't you? But how many times have you done business with a company whose frontline people couldn't speak (or write) a coherent sentence? Frustrating, isn't it? There are few compliments we enjoy receiving as much as those that thank us for clear, effective communication.
We specialize in wholesale linensEver notice how some companies want to sell you everything they can get their hands on? The result is almost always disappointment. Sure, we'll continue to add products as we grow, but our specialty is and will remain wholesale restaurant & hotel linens.
We respect your privacy Our online sales model is entirely dependent upon our ability to earn your trust. Without it, we don't have a business. So, you can be sure we respect your privacy. We will never rent, sell, give, loan, trade, etc. your personal and/or company information to an unrelated party. Period. Here's a link to our official Privacy Policy.
We're polite and say thank you How many times in the last 12 months have you made a purchase, but weren't treated like a customer? It happens all the time, but it doesn't happen here. Most of our customers place their first order with us because we have low prices, but they place re-orders because we keep our promises, are polite, and express our sincere appreciation for their business. Why not give us a try?
Next Steps
What's next? Well, we'd like to earn your business... today, tomorrow, and everyday thereafter. If we do, we promise to make you feel as smart as this guy for giving us the opportunity.
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